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With the launch of our Midnightclub collection, we had to build our brand image, recognition from our target market maximizing our start up budget with less financial requirements. Customizing airforce 1 was a great idea to show and express our aesthetic to our customers with our own art works. Goreforce 1 is a great way of expressing each individual's character since it is customzied just that exact person.


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Collaboration with who influences, our target market, was our one of plan for marketing aspect. We had to be proactive and through trial and failure, we learned valuable lessons. We loved the process, and the idea of doing what we love to daily for our living. I went to Korea and delivered Olltii our Goreforce1  

Aaron Pharness, my business partner's drawing skill combined with my marketing value, we took any necessary action to promote and advertise ourselves. For example, we figured out where would our target market would be at, went to the location, advertised by handing out our ads and telling them what Goreboys is. 

Kid Milli is a famous rapper in South Korea. Our purpose of delivering our Goreforce1 was to show our support to those artists who are influencing our target market. We planned out how to deliver him our product, and executed.

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